
Ghostbusters Trailer Highlights

The new Ghostbusters trailer is out, and despite all the complaints from stubborn middle aged white men who don't like change it looks pretty darn good!

Check the trailer out below.

1. The firehouse!

Look at it! How beautiful!

2. Meet the team.

How cool does Kate McKinnon look?! Also, that ghost though.

3. Meet Patty.

Despite 'token POC vibes, Patty looks like one genuine badass.

4. Jillian is chill

She's so cool!

5. The Ecto-1 is... a hearse?

Oh heck

6. Just kidding, it's legit!

Outfits and everything.

7. Action!

Slimer, and all that colour! Insane!

8. Fight, fight, fight!

I'm loving this.

9. Kevin/Thor/Chris Hemsworth... possessed?

What's your beef, Thor?

10. Patty has no chill when it comes to ghosts

No chill, whatsoever.

And then the revamped logo appears, and thousands of middle-aged men start typing angrily to complain about how it's an unnecessary movie reboot/sequel despite the fact they've seen the new Star Wars movie five times (please note sarcasm, I know some of them have only seen it four times). I'm genuinely excited to see this movie, the trailer was fun and comedic, and I really admire the visual themes they're going for. I'm just disappointed that people are already complaining and planning on boycotting this movie just because they don't like change. I think perhaps the majority that complain are older white men and they need to realise that just because they're represented in every single form of media possible doesn't mean they have a right to limit the representation of others. I'm all for a female-led Ghostbusters team, finally some women and young girls are going to feel a stronger connection with Ghostbusters. Not every female hero has to be a princess, eh?

Thanks for reading, apologies if I went off on a tangent. I think this movie is very important and it's sad to see it be shot down by people who don't like change and are over-represented in the media, but that's what I like to talk about, I guess. Afterall, this blog is called Totally Culture


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