
Water, Air, Fire, Earth, the four elements that plague a dystopian Great Britain. From the age of 18 a teenager is required to battle an element, those who survive are returned to civilization, and those that fall to the element are taken to a reclusive community, but who's better off? Isaac Williams and his friends must overcome their fears and doubts to lead a revolt against Deatra Allstrong in a mission to bring back the elemental powers and end Deatra's reign of terror over the quarter.

Who will survive the battle of the elements?

Available now, worldwide on Amazon (and select stores such as Barnes and Noble in the USA).

Besides, while it's clear it won't be a best-seller, I was voted 'MOST LIKELY TO WRITE A BEST-SELLING BOOK' in my yearbook, so you know, all's well.

Character logos here, download your favourite character's infograph!

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