
Farewell, Clara Oswald

Oh my goodness, I cannot fathom the concept of Jenna Coleman no longer being in Doctor Who. However, we have one more episode of Clara (or, perhaps a Clara splinter) in Hell Bent, the finale of Series 9. While watching Face The Raven, our dear Clara's final adventure (unless Moffat is at large here), I went through a whole lot of emotional stages. To be fair, we have gone through quite a few Clara deaths. 

But then, it finally happened. Clara Oswald died, and the hearts of Doctor Who fans everywhere were shattered into tiny pieces.

So, let's revisit the story of Clara Oswald, my favourite companion and The Doctor's saviour. 

Jenna Coleman is cast as Clara Oswald, and makes her first surprise appearance as Oswin Oswald in Asylum of the Dalek (you know, that episode where Amy and Rory stopped hating each other). Only, in this episode Oswin Oswald turns out to be a Dalek (even though she swears she's not), and ends up destroying the asylum and removing The Doctor from the Dalek's memory.

Following this episode, and a heartbreaking departure for Amy and Rory, we were left wondering how Clara would return if she's died in the Asylum. At this point, Clara Oswin Oswald is introduced, in the 2013 Christmas special 'The Snowmen'. But, Clara Oswin Oswald died too. 

So, then we're left pondering how we've met two Clara/Oswin's so far, and how she'll end up being the next companion. 

We're introduced to the actual Clara Oswald in The Bells of Saint John, and a whole series passes without knowing how the heck Clara has popped up three times so far. Until... The Name of The Doctor, in which we finally discover the truth about Clara Oswald. She jumped into The Doctor's timeline and was splintered throughout his timeline to save him, so... Clara has assisted every single Doctor. She even told the first Doctor which TARDIS to choose...

And thus, the mystery of the Impossible Girl is solved. In the 50th anniversary episode The Day of The Doctor she convinced the three Doctors (War, Ten and Eleven) to save Gallifrey, and then was around for The Eleventh Doctor's final episode 'The Time of The Doctor'. Then series 8 came along, we met the Twelfth Doctor, they had some adventures (and a few hundred arguments) and also said 'hello' and a devastating 'R.I.P' to her beau Danny Pink. Then series 9 came along, along with the confirmation of Jenna leaving Doctor Who. While the series has yet to conclude at the time of writing, one of the bigger story arcs was Clara's recklessness and desire to be exactly like the Doctor. Many hints towards her death happened, including some from Maisie William's Ashildr/Me, and Michelle Gomez' 'Missy'. Then, the episode came. Face the Raven started, and Clara died. SHE ACTUALLY DIED. 

Here's my reaction...

Clara Oswald was a truly iconic companion. Often fans would complain that she overshadowed the Doctor, but they forget that the companion of the show is the one we relate to the most, so rightfully so they should be just as important as the Doctor. Clara was a nice deviation from the 'screaming companions' which we've had from most of the New-Who companions (looking at you, Rose). Clara was the Doctor's saviour, helping out every incarnation so far, and I applaud Jenna Coleman for her absolutely stunning work as Clara. I do feel like there may be more to come in the next two episodes, but for now, lets celebrate a wonderful Doctor Who companion.

Now, I'm off to go cry, again.

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